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The Chapiteau charter for a free and safe party

Here, we like the party to be beautiful and for all the people who make it up to feel comfortable and to be treated as they deserve, because they are even more beautiful. So here are some commandments to guarantee safety, respect and good manners at Le Chapiteau

Le Chapiteau - marseille - Isis Mecheraf

You will respect your fellow students...

... regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious and clothing choices or any other criterion that may be subject to discrimination. Simple. Basic.

The definition of consent you will learn and apply... must be free, enlightened, enthusiastic, informed and can be withdrawn at any time. If you have any doubts, just ask! No, it's no, and maybe it's no too. In fact, as long as it's not yes, it's no: don't insist. And if so… go have fun, darling!
Please note : a person who has consumed alcohol or any other substance is not always able to give informed consent. Once again, if you have any doubt: don't tempt the devil and leave her alone, you'll try your luck again next time.

Le Chapiteau - marseille - Isis Mecheraf
Le Chapiteau - marseille - Isis Mecheraf

Your opinion and your inappropriate gestures, for you, you will keep...

...because love is beautiful and any demonstration of affection requires no comment or judgment. On the other hand, we will not hesitate to judge you and even kick you out if your hands end up “unfortunately” on the body of your dancefloor neighbor without their consent.

An attentive and caring eye on the people around you you will display

veillons les un·es sur les autres pour garantir un espace safe ! Si tu constates une situation anormale (un·e camarade qui se fait embêter, harceler ou agresser, qui se sent mal à cause de l’alcool ou de la drogue), n’hésite pas à :


  • Intervenir pour la rassurer et dissuader son agresseur 


  • Signaler immédiatement la situation : tu peux composer le numéro d’urgence du Chapiteau +33 7 58 72 99 57 ou directement te rendre à l’accueil et t’adresser à La personne présente à la billetterie, chargée de la prévention sur les lieux ou directement à l'équipe de sécurité, qui prendra le relais.

Le Chapiteau - marseille - Isis Mecheraf

Oppressive behavior you will banish...

... whether they are sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, fatophobic, ableist or more generally disrespectful, these behaviors are not tolerated within the Chapiteau. Either you ban them, or you are the one who is banned: you will have understood, the question is quickly answered.

All the photos on this page were taken by the superb Isis Mecheraf (@isisdepoche)
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